About Us

Islamic Finance Connect – Your bridge to financial freedom

What We are All About

Islamic Finance Connect is a platform that provides both theoretical and practical Islamic finance education. We advocate for a global improvement of financial literacy and inclusion.

Islamic Finance Connect (IFC) takes a deep and holistic look into the philosophy of Islamic moral economy at large. We connect the ideas and ideals of economics, banking, finance, fintech and more together to boost the understanding and practical application of Islamic financial industry. IFC is not bound by time or region.

More than anything, we connect the world to Islamic finance through various programmes by capturing the universality of Islam as not just a religion, but also heavily involved in other aspects of life, particularly finance.

Our Mission

Educating the world to realize their financial potential, ethically. Empowering the aspiring minds through entrepreneurship and equipping the next generation with adequate financial technological skills.

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Our Vision

To serve as an inspiration to anyone considering Islamic finance

Our belief is that poverty is neither an article of faith nor a sign of piety.


Meet Our Team

Qazeem Adebumiti

Team Leader

Mohammad Moyosore

Project Manager

Abdulmajeed M.

Head of Research

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