Our Blogs

Crisis Chronicles: Understanding and Navigating through Global Financial Meltdown

The world economy is moving towards an irreversible decline which is exacerbated by war, financial crisis among other issues. In retrospect, this has happened many times before history. To name a few, we had the Great Depression (1929-1933), Asian Financial Crisis (1997-1998), Dot-Com Bubble (2000-2002), Eurozone Crisis (2010-2012) and the...
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Sharia Compliant Business Model

In business transactions, many tend to focus on customer satisfaction as the main goal, and the value that gets back to the seller as well. Many times when a shared value is identified, people overlook scrutinising how a transaction dealing is structured. Factors that determine if a transaction is Sharia...
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Wealth and Spirituality: Exploring the Correlation in Islamic Finance

Wealth and spirituality stand as two towering fundamental concepts in Islam, influencing their social and spiritual lives of man. These concepts not only contribute to individual development and well-being but also the core focus of Islamic objectives. At the same time, wealth serves as an essential component of human existence,...
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Revolutionizing the Islamic Finance: The limitations of AI on issuing Fatwas

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made strides in several industries, including education and finance, in recent times. The integration of AI in the Financial sector has brought about advancements in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and speed. Within the realm of Islamic finance, which is guided by Sharia principles and pristine ethical...
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Rethinking The Islamic Finance Philosophy – Wealth Circulation

Getting back to basics, one of the many things which the Qur’an lays emphasis on regarding the concept of wealth is to avoid its concentration amongst a particular stratum of the society, the rich categorically. In other words, everyone must be included in the benefits associated with the wealth of...
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Evolution and Development of Central Bank Digital Currencies: Benefits and Challenges

Central Bank Digital Currencies are fiat currencies issued and backed by a country’s central bank as a new model of finance for the digital economy. In recent decades, globally, this idea is becoming prominent as central banks and governments explore the possibilities of issuing their own currencies despite its potential...
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Islamic Moral Economy, Millennials and Generation Z (Gen Z)

It is true that every generation has unique characteristics in all facets. Various generations have viewed love, respect, communication, politics, attitude toward education, desiring riches, and other things through different lenses. Starting at the beginning of the 1900, generations have generally been divided into the following categories: The Greatest Generation...
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Financial Intelligence: Road to Financial Freedom

Financial intelligence is the knowledge of how to handle money. It is the ability to make good decisions about investments, savings, and spendings; especially today that the value of money seems so misplaced. Financial intelligence is an important aspect of business intelligence and a necessary part of any business that...
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Introduction to Rethinking the Distribution of Zakat

Across the seven seas, communication has become instantaneous. Transcontinental travel time has been shortened from months to hours, if not minutes, and the world has become a global community. However, worldwide poverty, a blemish on the civilized world of the twenty-first century and its people, continues to be a key...
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The Value of Money: A New History

Is it the hip of gold and silver lying beneath a rock in South Africa, Mongolia, Peru, and other countries that are rich in natural resources? Is it the notes and paper with the market women in the street of Lagos? Perhaps it is the digits behind the software and...
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